kanari = pretty
doshite? = what for?
dakedo = but/however
oto-sama = father
daijoubu ka? = are you alright?
gomen nasai = I'm sorry (gomen is just sorry)
Chapter Three
Ryuujiga sighed as he walked down the street, heading home from school.
"KYAA!!" He went wide-eyed and ran towards the scream. He pushed some bushed aside and saw a red and black haired girl,
sitting down and clutching her ankle. He kneeled down beside her and moved her hand away.
"Daijoubu ka?" he asked, looking into her eyes.
"Hai..." she answered, her mouth hanging open. "Umiki-"
"Chiyoko." he finished. She nodded, blushing.
"Ryuujiga." she finished. He nodded, blushing and helped her up.
"Arigatou." she mumbled. He smiled and began walking with her, her leaning on his arm for support.
Chiyoko opened her door and wobbled in with Ryuujiga's help.
"Nice place." he said, closing the door behind him. She smiled and hopped up the steps. Ryuujiga took off his shoes
and went up after her, as she headed to her room.
"You can wait there." she said and pointed at the couch. He nodded and sat down as she went into her room, closing the
door behind her.
"Kuso..." she grumbled, as she tried to get her socks off. She yelped and winced.
"Do you need help?" asked Ryuujiga from outside the door. Chiyoko blushed and pulled on a nightgown.
"Hai!" she called. He opened the door, walked in and kneeled down in front of her. He carefully took of her socks and
rubbed her ankle gently. Chiyoko turned beet red as she watched him do this. He blushed also and stood up. He leaned close
to her and kissed her. Chiyoko went wide-eyed and kissed him back. He broke the kiss and layed her down on her back. He
kissed her again, smiling.
"Gomen nasai." said Toru after he bumped into a brunette on his way home.
"Daijobu." she said, picking up the books she had dropped. He looked down at her, his mouth open. She looked up at him,
smiling and then blushed, making eye contact with him.
"Toru." she finished. He nodded.
"Sakura." he finished. She stood up, dropping her books and blushed madly as he leaned in and kissed her.
Hinochi and Hinorei smirked floating above Ryuujiga and Chiyoko, watching them sleep. Hinochi sighed, turning onto her
back and looked at her ruby. Hinorei looked up at the ceiling and rolled his eyes.
"Sounds like the other two just arrived." he whispered. She chuckled and rolled her eyes.
Sakura sighed, cuddling close to Toru. He smiled, hugging her and kissing her cheek. Hinochisei and Hinokarado sighed,
floating above them. They looked at each other and smiled, both of them blushing. Sakura closed her eyes and fell asleep,
below them. Toru smiled, closing his eyes and joined her. Hinochisei smirked, looking at Hinokarado. He opened his mouth
but closed it when she glared at him. He sighed and looked down at Toru and Sakura, watching them sleep.
End Chapter Three
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