Hello and welcome to the third arc of Demonic Reign, Demonic Reign NEXUS! There are quite a few new characters in
this arc, as well as a lot of old ones. Read along and follow Mauno Namida, the son of Makotoki Yoko and Mauno Chimaru (Loki),
on his quest to defeat the ultimate enemy, and fight for the love of his life. So sit down, get comfy, have a hot cup of
tea, and enjoy the ride. This is Demonic Reign NEXUS!
Demonic Reign Nexus will be on hiatus, due to the fact that
I am working on another project, and I am concetrating on school right now. Please hold out! Once I get the time
to do some more chapters, I will! But an example of my workload is this: this week I have 2 exams, and one 2500
word essay due. Please be patient!