baka = idiot
Machigatte iru nani ga, Yoko-chan ka? = What's wrong, Yoko-chan?
nanimo = nothing
iee/nai/iya = no
chikushou = fuck
nani? = what/what is it?
dakedo = but/however
daijoubu ka = are you alright?
douitashimashite = you are welcome
gomen (nasai) = I'm (very) sorry
Chapter Three
Yoko shifted around uncomfortably in her seat, trying to have as little eye contact with Chimaru as
possible. She wrote down the notes, keeping her eyes glued to her paper, even though she knew he kept glancing at her out
of the corner of his eye. She packed up her things after they had bowed and made for the door as quickly as possible. Chimaru
looked up, just in time to see her and Hanako leave. He stood up, but then sat down and sighed.
"Baka..." he muttered, placing his head in his hands.
"Machigatte iru nani ga, Yoko-chan ka?" asked Chiyoko as Yoko got home.
"Nanimo." she answered as she put on her slippers. She then headed downstairs and into her room.
"Baka..." she muttered and slid down her door onto the floor. She rested her head on her knees and sighed.
'I'm such an idiot.' she thought. 'Of course, Mauno-sensei would just stare at me.' She buried her head in her knees
and began to cry.
Loki punched the wall of his room and growled.
"I'm an idiot!" he said, letting his fist slide down the wall. He swallowed, breathing heavily.
"Iee!" he said, through clenched teeth and rested his head against the wall. "I'm her teacher!" He swallowed again and
"Chikushou..." he growled. He sighed and closed his eyes.
'It doesn't matter what I say...' he thought and turned redder, sliding down onto his knees.
"Yoko-chan...what's wrong?" asked Hanako as her and Yoko walked around town.
"Mauno-sensei." she answered. Hanako blinked, wearing a black boots, black skirt, violet top, black fishnet shirt, and
black violet, and blue jelly bracelets. Yoko sat down on a bench and drank her blue raspberry slushie. Hanako sat down next
to her, drinking her lemon-cherry slushie.
"Mauno-sensei?" she asked. Yoko nodded, blushing.
"I kissed him." she said. Hanako almost chocked on her slushie.
"NANI?!" she said. Yoko blushed madly and repeated what she had said. Hanako stared at her.
"And he didn't do anything?" she asked.
"Nai... dakedo he is our teacher." answered Yoko. Hanako growled.
"Baka! So what if he is?!" she said. Yoko blinked. Hanako stood up and grabbed Yoko by the wrist.
"Come on!" she said and pulled Yoko up. she then walked with Yoko, pulling her along.
"Iya!! Hanako-chan!" yelped Yoko as the got closer to the Kamihinotori shrine. Hanako grumbled and pushed Yoko up the
"Hanako-chan!!" yelped Yoko, turning red. Hanako dragged her over to Chimaru's house and knocked on the door. Chimaru
slid open the door and went wide-eyed.
"Yoko-chan..." said Hanako, looking back at Yoko, who was looking away. "Has something to say." Yoko blushed as Hanako
pushed her forward and in front of Chimaru.
"Mauno-sensei..." she mumbled, looking at her feet. Chimaru blushed and moved his glasses back up his nose.
"Nani?" he asked.
"Forget it." said Yoko as she turned away. "I'm an idiot for having a silly crush on a teacher." Yoko sighed, tears
flowing down her cheeks.
"Yoko-chan..." mumbled Hanako. Chimaru sighed, looking at Yoko sadly.
"HANAK-SAN! YOKO-SAN!" he yelled and jumped on top of them, pushing them down.
"NANI?!" snapped Hanako. Chimaru looked up and went wide-eyed. Hanako's jaw dripped, seeing a huge burn mark on the
wall, right where they had all been a few seconds ago. Chimaru growled and got off of them. They both looked up and saw
2 bronze skinned, red haired, red eyed, twins, one female and one male, dressed in red robes.
"Hiro!" said the male, taking out a sutra.
"Hiko!" said the female, also taking out a sutra. Chimaru growled, changing into Loki. Hanako's jaw dropped and she
stared at him.
"What do you want?!" demanded Loki.
"THEM!" yelled Hiro and Hiko. They charged, the sutras changing into fireballs. Loki went wide-eyed and stood in front
of Yoko and Hanako.
"IYA!!!!" yelled Yoko, jumping in front of him, just as the fireball headed straight for him.
"YOKO-SAN!" yelled Loki, shielding his eyes from the bright light.
"Daijoubu ka, Mauno-sensei?" Loki blinked and went wide-eyed. Yoko was now wearing long black, kimono like robes and
had short dark violet hair with long side bangs, violet eyes, black claws, pointed ears, and fangs.
"Daijoubu ka?" she repeated.
"H-Hai." he answered.
"Daijoubu ka Hanako-chan?" she asked.
"Hai." answered Hanako. Loki noticed that the fireballs had vanished. Yoko raised her arms and put her hands together
as if she were holding a ball in between them. She began to wave her right hand over her left. Hiro and Hiko smirked and
joined hands, pressing their backs against each other. They raised their hands above their heads and smirked as they were
enveloped by fire. The fire traveled up their bodies and gathered in their hands. The fire then turned into a large fireball
and fired at Yoko. yoko stopped moving her hand and looked at them.
"Kyuukei no kuukan!" she yelled and thrust her arms forward., moving the ball in front of her. The fireball was sucked
into it and then blown back at Hiro and Hiko. They went wide-eyed and dodged it at the last minute, their robes catching
on fire. Yoko stepped forward, her hand moving up and crossing it over her chest. Daggers appeared between her fingers and
she smiled, throwing them at Hiro and Hiko. The two vanished, the daggers hitting a tree behind them. Yoko lowered her arm
and fell down, returning to normal.
"Yoko-san!" yelled Loki.
"Yoko-chan!" yelled Hanako. Both of them ran over to her and Loki picked her up.
"Mauno-sensei..." mumbled Yoko, her world going black.
Yoko opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She looked around the room and realized she was in a futon bed. She noticed
a laptop on a desk in the corner and a stereo in another corner.
'Am I in Mauno-sensei's bedroom?!' she thought, blushing madly and looking at his black silk sheets. Loki walked into
the room, carrying a tray and set it down.
"Good you're up." he said. The tray had some yakisoba, nashi, sushi, takoyaki, rice and green tea on it. He broke the
chopsticks apart and put some food onto one plate, the rice in it's own little bowl, and handed it to her along with the bowl
and chopsticks. Yoko blushed, taking the it.
"Arigatou." she mumbled.
"Douitashimashite." he said, smiling as he dished out his own food. He sat down on the bed across from her and began
to eat.
"Why am I in here?" she asked. "And where is Hanako-chan?"
"You went unconscious and Hanako-san went home a few minutes before you woke up." he answered. "Now eat." Yoko blushed
and slowly began to eat.
"Yoko-san...I'm your teacher..." he interrupted. Yoko nodded and continued eating, keeping her head down to hide the
tears forming in her eyes.
Loki sighed as he put his plate back on the tray and sat back. He looked at Yoko, who had already put her plate back,
and smiled.
"You make quite a strong demon." he said. Yoko shrugged, brought her knees up to her chest and rested her forehead on
top of her knees.
"Do you have a phone?" she asked.
"Hai." he answered, nodding.
"May I use it?" she asked. He nodded and stood up.
"I'll be right back." he said and headed out of the room.
Yoko swallowed and began to cry, unable to hold it in any longer. Her shoulders shook as she cried silently onto her
"I'm an idiot." she whispered.
Loki looked at his feet as he waited outside his room, not sure if he should go in and comfort her or not. He waited
a while longer and went back in, carrying the cordless phone.
"Yoko-san...kokoni." he said, poking her with the cordless phone. She quickly wiped her eyes and took the phone.
"Oka-san?" she asked.
"Yoko-chan!! Where are you?" asked Chiyoko. Yoko could hear Ryuujiga yelling her name in the background.
"I'm at the Kamihinotori shrine with Mauno-sensei...I would've called earlier dakedo I was still out of it from the demons."
said Yoko. Loki smiled and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.
"Demons?!" asked Chiyoko.
"Hai, I'll tell you when I get home." said Yoko.
"Yosh." said Chiyoko and hung up the phone. Yoko sighed and hung up the phone.
"Arigatou Mauno-sensei." said Yoko as they reached her house. He smiled and cupped her chin.
"Gomen Yoko-san for making you cry." he said, his smile fading. She went wide-eyed and stared at him. He moved his arms
around her and hugged her tight against him.
"Gomen nasai." he said. Yoko blushed madly and pushed away from him. She ran into her house, leaving Chimaru standing
there, alone, in the dark.
End Chapter Three
Next Chapter
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