shinkansen = bullet train
j-pop (for those that don't know) = Japanese Pop
un = yea
gomen (nasai) = I'm (very) sorry
matte = wait
hai = yes
oka-san/-sama = mom/mother
dakedo = however/but
daijoubu ka? = are you alright?
Chapter Four
Yoko and Hanako got off the shinkansen and headed out of the train station.
"Time to shop in Tokyo!" said Hanako. Yoko giggled and followed her.
The two went through Shibuya district and bought a few things for their laptops and such and headed over to some clothing
"Yoko-chan...don't you like him?" asked Yoko as she noticed a billboard of a blonde j-pop artist. Yoko blinked and shrugged.
"Un." she answered and looked through a few of the clothes racks. Hanako chuckled and looked through a few more racks
also, picking out a few things.
"Chiyoko-san?" Yoko turned around and saw a guy with long sliver hair and bright blue eyes.
"Gomen." he said and turned away.
"Matte!" she said. He stopped and looked at her.
"Did you mean Umiki Chiyoko?" she asked.
"Hai..." he answered as he pulled off his red tinted sunglasses.
"That's my oka-san!" she said. He stared at her and went wide-eyed.
"Makotoki Yoko des." said Yoko.
"Kojiki Hanako des." said Hanako as she stood up.
"Hinojigoku Yo des." he said, smiling. Hanako blushed, looking him over. Yoko and Hanako payed for the clothes and went
with Yoko to a local cafe.
"So you two go to the same school that your parents did?" asked Yo as he drank some of his pop.
"Hai." answered Yoko, eating some of her yakisoba.
"And they only changed the girls' winter uniform a tiny bit." added Hanako, eating her sushi. Yo chuckled.
"Mind you, they did a reverse one for spring...my oka-san's had a gray sailor bib and red shirt and skirt." said Yoko.
"Dakedo our's is all gray with a red sailor bib."
"And our fall uniform is a full dress not a shirt and skirt." said Hanako.
"And the boys' uniform?" asked Yo. Hanako and Yoko looked at each other.
"Still the same." they both said. Yo laughed, shaking his head.
"Oi Yoko-san, Kojiki-san." Yoko and Hanako looked up, Yo looking over his shoulder.
"Mauno-sensei?!" said Hanako. Yoko blushed and looked away. Yo nodded and smiled at Chimaru, who nodded back.
"Yoko-san...ano..." said Chimaru, fixing his glasses. Yoko kept her head turned away and then stood up, grabbing her
shopping bags.
"Hanako-chan...coming?" she asked, her back still facing Chimaru.
"Yoko-chan..." mumbled Hanako. She sighed and stood up, grabbing her own bags.
"Ja ne." she said to Yo and Chimaru, and walked away with Yoko. Chimaru groaned and sat down at the table. Yo looked
at him confused as Chimaru rested his head in his hands. He sighed and sat up straight.
"Don't even ask." he said to Yo and looked at the retreating forms of Hanako and Yoko.
Yoko sighed as she ate supper, Chiyoko and Ryuujiga looking at her.
"Nani?!" she snapped. Chiyoko blinked.
"Yoko-chan...daijoubu ka?" asked Chiyoko. Yoko sighed.
"Just guy trouble." answered Yoko, munching on her food. Ryuujiga went wide-eyed and stared at her.
"Guys?!!" he snapped. Yoko rolled her eyes. Chiyoko glared at him.
"Dakedo you're only-"
"She's only 17." said Chiyoko, placing her hand on his and squeezing it. He grumbled and Chiyoko giggled. Yoko rolled
her eyes and took her plate over to the sink. She then headed downstairs and into her room. She sat down at her computer,
turned it on and logged on. She sighed and opened up an instant messenger and signed in. She blinked, getting an i.m. from
a user she had never seen before. She clicked it and it opened up.
"Mauno-sensei..." she grumbled and closed it, logging off her computer. She turned it off and sat down on her bed.
Chimaru sighed and shook his head.
"Yoko-san..." he muttered. "Kami-sama if only she would let me talk to her." He leaned back in his chair
and looked up at the ceiling in his room.
End Chapter Four
Next Chapter
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