kanari = pretty
Part Two
Chapter One
"Kojiki-san?" called the teacher.
"Hai!" said Toru.
"Hai!" said Chiyoko. Chiyoko doodled in her notebook and smiled at Toru. He smiled and nodded at her. He took out his
note book and opened it.
Chiyoko walked into her house and closed the door. She took off her hat and jacket and sighed.
"Yukiko!" she called and a white cat with golden eyes came running towards her. She picked it up and cuddled it, scratching
her head. She headed into her room, carrying Yukiko with her. Yukiko jumped out of her arms and onto her bed.(A/N: And if
you own a cat, you know how much a kick from their hind legs can hurt >.<) Chiyoko yawned and began to changed out of her
uniform and into a warm sweater and pajama bottoms. She sat down on her bed and noticed a ring on it. She picked it up and
put it on.
"Kanari..." she mumbled, looking at its band. She went wide-eyed as the image of a guy with black hair and brown eyes
entered her mind. She blinked and swallowed.
"Who was that?" she mumbled, looking at Yukiko as if she could answer.
"Chiyoko-chan!" Chiyoko got out of her room and sighed. She looked to the front door and saw Toru's things. She went
back into her room, through the door in the closet and over to the spiral staircase. She then headed up the stairs, and opened
the door on the left side of the landing.
"Nani?" she asked as she walked into Toru's apartment.
"I need food." he said, showing her his almost empty fridge.
"You have legs..." she said, crossing her arms. He glared at her and she rolled her eyes and held out her hand. Toru
closed the fridge, went into his bedroom and came back out with his wallet.
"Here..." he said, giving her a fistful of notes. He tipped his wallet upside down and shook it.(A/N:XD*watches moths
fly out of her own wallet*T-T) Chiyoko blinked and counted the money.
"Here." she said, giving him back some of the notes. He smiled and put them back into his wallet.
"Get changed." she said, nodding at his uniform.
"Why?" he asked.
"Cause you're coming with me." she answered.
"Cause I said so."
"Why?" he asked, trying not to laugh. She went into his bedroom and came out with a pillow.
"Care to say it again?" she asked, smirking.
"Why?" he asked and ducked as she swung the pillow at him.
"So now what?" asked Toru as he carried some of the bags of food.
"Now we go to the shopping district." said Chiyoko, holding the rest of the bags.
"Hooray." he said, sarcastically and followed her to a bus stop.
¨Poor Chiyoko..." said Loki, having been watching them.
"She doesn't even remember Ryuujiga..." He looked away and looked down the alley. He sighed, the bat wings on his head
drooping a bit.
"I have to put Hinochi back into her." he mumbled. "And the others also... they should have their spirits back." He
closed his eyes and vanished, melting into the shadows.
End Chapter One
Next Chapter
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