un = yeah
daijoubu ka? = are you alright?
hai = yes
doshite? = what for?
sumimasen = excuse me?
arigatou = thank you
kami-sama = god
hime = princess
dakedo = however
ja = bye (informal)
kuso = shit/dammit
imouto = little/younger sister
watashino chisaii kii = my little key
Chapter Thirteen
"Oto-san! You can't stop me!" yelled Namida as he headed outside.
"Yes I can! Namida-kun...this is exactly what- LISTEN TO ME!" yelled Chimaru as he followed him outside. Namida, already
transformed, headed over to
the tree and growled. Seiya, Kaira, and Yomato then arrived and Namida hid behind the tree.
"Relax Namida-kun...I'm a demon." said Yomato, changing into his demon form. Namida and Chimaru went wide-eyed and stared
at him. Chimaru smirked and
changed into Loki. Namida sighed and came out from behind the tree as Kaira and Seiya changed to their demon forms.
"I thought the name Yomato sounded familiar." said Loki. He looked at Seiya and Kaira and smirked. He then looked at
Namida and frowned, growling.
"You're not going!" he snapped.
"Fine!" snapped Loki. "Dakedo, it's your hide if anything happens to him!" He took out his sword and thrust it into the
tree. He pulled it out and a
black portal began to slowly emerge. Loki stepped back and nodded at them. Kaira jumped in, then Seiya, and then Yomato.
"Mata ne, oto-san." said Namida as he jumped in after them.
Namida got up and saw Yomato, while Kaira and Seiya were unconscious at Yomato's feet.
"Yomato-san!" he yelled. Yomato smirked and picked up Kaira.
"They're mine now." he said. "Akuma-sama sent me to kill you all dakedo, I intend to have my fun first." He purred and
ran her tongue along Kaira's
neck. Namida growled and unsheathed his sword. Yomato smirked and placed a hand on Seiya's shoulder. "Ja." he said and
"Kuso!" growled Namida as he sheathed his sword. He sighed and began walking forward.
"Namida!" Namida went wide-eyed and saw Yamiki with Yukiki, Yukiki still trapped in a cage.
"Yukiki!" he yelled and unsheathed his sword. He ran forward at Yamiki, but Yomato appeared in front of her. He created
a metal disc in his hands, and
it slowly turned to liquid. He waved his hands and it rushed towards Namida. Namida tried to dodge it but it surrounded
him and bound his arms to his
sides. Yamiki stepped forward, her ears melting into cat ears, her eyes turning gold, her skin changing to the same as Yomato's,
and her a tail appearing
from her tail bone. She now wore a black top with silver semi-transparent sleeves, and a silver semi-transparent over-skirt,
with black shorts underneath,
and black fingerless gloves. She smiled and purred as she held onto Yomato's arm.
"Meet my imouto, Yako." he said. She licked her lips and eyed Namida. Namida growled and began to push his arms out.
The metal slowly began to crack
and then shattered. He swiped at them with his sword, but a hand caught the blade.
"Konnichiwa watashino chisaii kii." said Akuma as he appeared in front of Yomato and Yako. He smirked as Namida gasped,
Namida backing away a bit, and
chuckled. Namida dove at Yukiki, grabbed her cage and took off.
Namida sighed and let Yukiki out of her cage.
"We need to find Kaira-chan and Seiya-kun." he said as Yukiki kissed his cheek repeatedly. He smiled and held onto her
as he ran.
Kaira and Seiya saw Namida and rushed towards him.
"I found Yukiki!" yelled Namida. "Let's go!"Kaira and Seiya looked at each other and then looked at Namida as they sighed.
"We don't know where to go!" said Kaira. Namida grumbled and put Yukiki on his shoulder. She frowned and began to poke
his cheek.
"We need to find a way out." said Namida. Yukiki kept poking at him and began to pull on his hair. "Itai!" he growled.
"Nani?!" She went wide-eyed
and her lip began to tremble. She closed her eyes and began to cry. He took her off his shoulder and hugged her. "Gomen
nasai, Yukiki." he said. "I
didn't mean to snap at you." She sniffed and squirmed out of his hands. She jumped down and went behind Kaira's foot. Kaira
picked her up and sighed.
Yukiki poked her shoulder and pointed. Kaira nodded and headed in that direction, Seiya and Namida following them.
Kaira, Seiya, and Namida all ended up in a pile beside a tree, the only part of Kaira showing was her arm with Yukiki
sitting on her outstretched palm.
Loki laughed and took Yukiki off Kaira's hand. Kaira growled underneath the two guys and her hand flexed.
"GET OFF!" she yelled and threw Namida and Seiya off. She glared at them and they both scrambled up into the house.
"You two get back here RIGHT
FUCKING NOW!" yelled Kaira as she chased after them. Loki shook his head and laughed.
End Chapter Thirteen
Next Chapter
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