un = yeah
daijoubu ka? = are you alright?
hai = yes
doshite? = what for?
sumimasen = excuse me?
arigatou = thank you
kami-sama = god
hime = princess
Chapter Twelve
Namida and Seiya were eating lunch at school, when Kaira came over and sat down beside them. She looked
at Seiya and sighed. She sat on Seiya's lap and blushed, smiling. Namida almost choked on his drink and blushed.
"Oh for the love of...if you two get busted..." he grumbled. Seiya shrugged and kissed the side of Kaira's neck. Namida
grumbled and saw Yomato walking over to them. Kaira went beet red when she saw Yomato and he just smiled.
"Seiya-kun...how about you two come with me and continue this somewhere else?" he asked. Seiya and Kaira nodded and got
up. They followed Yomato and left Namida.
"Kami-sama..." he grumbled and shook his head.
Namida watched Kaira, Seiya and Yomato walk into gym class and sighed. He chuckled and went into the locker room. He
began to get changed into his white sweater with a red collar, red cuffs, and a red stripe going down the arm, his red shorts,
his grey gym socks, and his red and grey gym sneakers. Yomato and Seiya then walked in and began to get changed also. They
all headed out of the locker room and walked over to Kaira, who wore the same thing except red briefs instead of shorts.
Seiya smiled, blushing, and kissed her cheek. Kaira smiled and went beet red as Yomato kissed her other cheek. Namida chuckled
and rolled his eyes as the teacher came out to roll call.
"Yukiki!" called Namida as he got home from school. He looked around the house and then headed to the bathhouse. "Yukiki?"
he called as he opened the door. He turned on the light and gasped. Yamiki stood there in the bath house, and held Yukiki
in a tiny bird cage.
"We've got your precious koibito now." said Yamiki. Namida growled and clenched his fists, his eyes starting to glow.
"Nuh-uh. Transform and she dies." said Yamiki. Yukiki looked at Namida, crying, and his eyes returned to normal. Yamiki
smiled and nodded. "Good boy." she said. "Time to go see Akuma-sama, Yukiki-hime." A black portal appeared behind her and
both Yukiki and Namida went wide-eyed.
"Namida!" screamed Yukiki as her and Yukiki were sucked into the portal.
"Yukiki!!" yelled Namida as he ran forward. The portal vanished and left him alone in the bathhouse. He leaned his head
against the wall and began to cry.
"Yukiki...iya..." he mumbled. He growled as he transformed and stood up straight. "AKUMA!!!!!!!!!" he roared.
"Akuma-sama." said Yamiki as she set the cage with Yukiki in it at the foot of his throne. Akuma smiled and nodded.
"You intend to use her as bait." he said and Yamiki nodded. "Good...that will do nicely."
End Chapter Twelve
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