kuso = shit/dammit
daijoubu ka? = are you alright?
hime/o-hime-sama = princess
koibito = lover/sweetheart
shine(shee-neh) = die
ano = umm
nani? = what is it?
kawaii = cute
konnichiwa = hello ((A/N: And if you don't know that by now, then WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?!))
oi = hey
oto-san/-sama = dad/father
daijoubu = it's alright
un = yeah
dakedo/demo = but or however
iee/iya/nai = no
daijoubu dai yo = everything will surely be alright ((A/N: Arigatou, CLAMP-sensei!))
Chapter Eight
Namida sighed as he cleaned up the shrine grounds. He wore a white haori, black hakama, a white under-robe,
and black geta. He swept the concrete and looked up when he saw Kaira and Seiya walking up the steps.
"Oi!" they said.
"Oi!" said Namida. They stopped infront of him and he sighed. Kaira wore a long black skirt, baggy black sweater over
a black sleeveless t-shirt, black nylons, black fake fur trimmed boots, black gloves, and a black beret. Seiya wore blue
jeans, black and blue sneakers, a blue baggy sweater over a white t-shirt, and blue tinted sunglasses. "Nice look." said
Namida as he looked over Seiya. Seiya shrugged and pointed at Kaira.
"She bought it all." he said. Kaira blushed and looked away. Namida chuckled and looked down to see Yukiki tugging on
the leg of his hakama. He smiled and picked her up.
"Konnichiwa." he said and kissed the top of her head. She smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Quite affectionate aren't you?" asked Kaira, smiling.
"I've been in bed with her every night since she was able to shift." answered Namida. Kaira, Seiya, and Yukiki all went
beet red and swallowed. Namida smirked and placed Yukiki on his shoulder. He then continued to sweep and sighed. Kaira
and Seiya sat down on the step and watched him, Kaira sitting on Seiya's knee. Namida stopped sweeping and rested the broom
against the wall. He sighed and sat down next to Seiya and Kaira. "There's a demon after Yukiki." he said. Seiya and Kaira
stared at him, shocked as heck. "Her name is Yamiki...she knows my oto-san." he said. The door behind them slid open and
Loki walked out, wearing his usual garb. "Oi, oto-san." said Namida.
"Konnichiwa Mauno-san." said Kaira and Seiya. Loki unsheathed his sword and brought it down between Namida and Seiya.
Namida, Seiya, and Kaira all got up and moved back. Loki looked up at them, the glare gone from his eyes, and raised his
"He's possessed by something!" yelled Seiya.
"I can see that!" yelled Namida. He jumped back as Loki swung at him again and changed into his demon form. Kaira and
Seiya also turned into their demon forms and stood their guard. "Kaira-san, take Yukiki inside and protect everyone!" said
Namida, as he tossed Yukiki at her. She caught Yukiki and nodded. She then flipped over Loki and ran into the house, jamming
the door shut as she did. Loki swung at Namida and he jumped up onto Loki's back, knocking him down onto his stomach. Seiya
placed his hands on the back of Loki's head and both of them held him down. Loki growled and tried to swipe at them with
his claws. Yoko came running out in her demon form, holding a small pouch, and had tears running down her cheeks.
"Turn him over." she said. They nodded and turned him over, Namida holding his legs and Seiya holding his arms. Kaira
ran out and grabbed his other arm as Seiya lost grip on it. Yoko kneeled down, placed his head in her lap and took an amethyst
out of the pouch. Loki growled and tried to thrash around. Yoko held his head still and placed the amethyst on his forehead.
Loki froze and then slowly closed his eyes. He sighed and the amethyst turned black. Yoko removed the amethyst and Loki
opened his eyes. She smiled, crying, and kissed his forehead. Namida, Seiya, and Kaira all let go of him and sighed. Loki
slowly sat up and hugged Namida.
"I could see what was happening, I just couldn't stop myself." he said. "I attacked my own son." Namida sighed and patted
Loki's back.
"Daijoubu oto-san." he said.
"Un!" said Kaira. "We knew you were possessed." Seiya nodded and smiled. Loki looked at Yoko and grinned.
"Bedroom now!" he said, pointing at the house. Yoko blushed and went wide-eyed. Namida looked up, having been pushed
back in the process, and sighed. Loki smirked and purred.
"Memo to self, stay out of demon form." muttered Yoko as she ran into the house, Loki hot on her heels. Seiya and Kaira
swallowed, both of them looking quite disturbed. Namida shook his head and just laughed.
"Good." said Loki as he closed his and Yoko's bedroom door. Yoko sat down on the bed and looked at him. "I didn't want
to say this infront of Namida-kun." he said. "There is only ONE person or thing, really, who could ever control
me and it's because he has that vile of my blood he took on that night."
Loki stood up, leaning against a tree, and Akuma stood infront of him.
"You will now do as I command." said Akuma, making the blood vanish from his hand. Loki looked at Akuma, the glare gone
from his eyes and a wound in his chest. Akuma made the blood appear in a small vile and corked it. He smirked and the two
*End Flashback*
Yoko stared at him and went wide-eyed.
"That was back when your parents had just been reborn." said Loki. Yoko nodded and swallowed.
"Dakedo, didn't they kill him?" Loki nodded and frowned. "So it couldn't be Akuma." said Yoko as she sighed in relief.
"Iee...that's where you're wrong." said Loki. "Akuma is the devil, Akuma brought him back." Yoko looked up at him and
swallowed. "There is a prophecy...for the sacred twins, Yugure and Yoake." he said. "Every demon has been raised, knowing
it." He sat down beside her and held her hands as he sighed. "'The twins will arise and defeat the enemy, the old shall
be reborn.'" he said as he looked into her eyes. "'The darkness shall bear a son, and he will be the key to doom.'"
He swallowed and continued. "'The old that has been returned, shall then be sought against the song of darkness.'"
he said. "The darkness is you, and the son is-"
"Namida-kun." mumbled Yoko. "So his birth brought back Akuma?" Loki nodded and sighed. Yoko began to cry and shake
her head no. Loki pulled her close and hugged her.
"Daijoubu." he said. "Daijoubu dai yo."
End Chapter Eight
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