-kun/-san/-chan = kun and chan are for friends, animals, and san means Ms., Mrs. or Mr., usually used as a sign of respect.
oka-san/-sama = mom/mother
oto-san/-sama = dad/father
matte = wait
itte kimasu = I'm going but I'll be back
ittarasshai = response to itte kimasu
oi = hey
bento = boxed lunch
itadakimasu = said before eating a meal/Japanese version of grace.
un = yeah
....des. = my name is....
hai = yes
shine (shee-neh) = die
o-namae wa? = what is your name?
kochira wa...des = may I introduce...
kawaii = cute
hai = here. When Chiko gives Namida the box she is essentially saying "here".
sugoi = amazing
oyasumi/oyasumi nasai = g'night/good night
ano = ummm
eto = errr
kuso = shit/dammit
choudo yume = just a dream.
nani = what?/what is it?
dakedo/demo/shikashi = but/however = both demo, and dakedo can mean but or however, but shikashi is usually only used
for however.
Itadikimasu = Japanese version of grace
iee/iya/nai = no
yosh = all right!
daijoubu = it's alright
sekushi na = sexy ((A/N: And you cannot tell me that Loki is not good looking!))
mata ne = see you soon
wau = wow
onee-chan/-san = big sister
onii-chan/-san = big brother
Chapter Five
"So Yamichi-san...you're born possessed too?" asked Seiya, him, Namida and Kaira all sitting in the
living room of Namida's house. Namida held up his hand and frowned.
"Need I remind you, I'm half incubus, and you're half demon." he said to Seiya. Kaira blushed and stared at them. There
was a knock on the door and it slid open. Chimaru stood there and looked at Kaira, confused. "Kochira wa Yamichi Kaira-san
des." said Namida. "She's born possessed." Chimaru nodded and changed into Loki.
"Loki des." he said. "Who are your parents?" Kaira shrugged and sighed.
"I'm adopted, so I don't know." she said, blushing madly. Loki smirked and moved some of his hair off of his shoulder.
Yukiki looked at them and smiled when she saw Namida.
"Hold Yukiki, okay?" said Namida. She nodded and Loki smiled.
"Daijoubu." said Loki and he slid the door closed. Kaira stared at Namida and went wide-eyed.
"That's your oto-sama?!" she said. Namida nodded and shrugged. "Wau...sekushi na." she mumbled.
"Hehe..." said Namida, sweat-dropping.
"Dakedo..." said Kaira, looking at Seiya. "I want Hinojigoku-kun!" She smiled and pounced Seiya.
"Ano...we thought you were homosexual!" said Seiya, blushing madly. Kaira blinked a few times and then laughed.
"Iee...I'm bisexual." she said and kissed Seiya. Namida blushed and stood up.
"I think I'll leave you two alone." he said and crept out of the room as Kaira began to make out with Seiya.
Namida looked over at the table and saw Loki sitting there with Yoko. He sat down at the table and sighed, resting his
head on it. Yukiki tapped his head and he looked up at her. He smiled weakly and sighed.
"Nani?" asked Yoko. Namida shrugged and yawned.
"Just tired." he answered. Loki smiled and placed his hand on his shoulder. Namida smiled as Loki moved his hand to
his head and ruffled his hair. He stood up, Yukiki jumping onto his shoulder, and headed back to the other room.
Namida sat up, his cheeks beet red, and looked around his dark bedroom. He swallowed and saw Yukiki sprawled on his lap
from falling off his chest.
"Yukiki, you know how to enter my dreams, don't you?" he asked. She nodded, blushing, and swallowed. He picked her up
and kissed her head. "We need to find out a way to get you to your true form." he muttered. Yukiki turned redder and swallowed.
He laid back down, Yukiki laying down on his chest, and sighed. He swallowed and closed his eyes, slowly falling back to
"Onii-chan! Onii-chan!!" yelled Chiko as she barged into Namida's room, already dressed in her uniform. Namida sat up
and grumbled.
"Nani?" he asked, sleepily.
"Get dressed quick!" yelled Chiko. Namida looked at his clock and groaned.
"It's 6 am!" he grumbled.
"Oka-san and oto-san are going to the hospital!!!" yelled Chiko. Namida went wide-eyed, shot out of bed and quickly got
dressed in his uniform.
"Mata ne Yukiki." he said and kissed her head. She smiled at him and he smiled back as he turned off his alarm. He and
Chiko ran out of his room and out to the car.
Namida and Chiko looked up as a doctor came into the waiting room of the maternity ward, and stood up.
"Mauno-san?" asked the doctor. Both Chiko and Namida nodded and smiled. "You can go see your oka-sama, and oto-sama
now." said the doctor. Namida and Chiko grinned a followed a nurse to Yoko's room.
Chiko ran in and jumped into Chimaru's arms. Namida sighed and walked in. Yoko looked up at them and smiled.
"Come see the baby." she said, the baby cradled in her arms. Both Namida and Chiko walked next to the bed and looked
at the baby. "Kochirawa Mauno Hitoshi des." said Yoko. Hitoshi has the same color hair as Yoko, brown eyes, and lighter
skin than Namida or Chiko. Namida and Chiko looked at each other and grinned.
"I'm a onee-chan now!!" said Chiko, beaming. Yoko, Chimaru, and Namida all smiled and laughed.
End Chapter Five
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