-kun/-san/-chan = kun and chan are for friends, animals, and san means Ms., Mrs. or Mr., usually used as a sign of respect.
oka-san/-sama = mom/mother
oto-san/-sama = dad/father
matte = wait
itte kimasu = I'm going but I'll be back
ittarasshai = response to itte kimasu
oi = hey
bento = boxed lunch
itadakimasu = said before eating a meal/Japanese version of grace.
un = yeah
....des. = my name is....
hai = yes
shine (shee-neh) = die
o-namae wa? = what is your name?
kochira wa...des = may I introduce...
kawaii = cute
hai = here. When Chiko gives Namida the box she is essentially saying "here".
sugoi = amazing
oyasumi/oyasumi nasai = g'night/good night
ano = ummm
eto = errr
kuso = shit/dammit
choudo yume = just a dream.
nani = what?/what is it?
Chapter Three
"So her name is Yukiki?" asked Seiya. Namida nodded and smiled. He turned his chair around and sat
on it the wrong way, the both of them looking at Yukiki who was sitting on Namida's desk. "She's kawaii." said Seiya. Namida
nodded and smiled.
"Un...she is." he said. Yukiki blushed and jumped onto Namida's shoulder. She then kissed his cheek and smiled.
"She seems to like you quite a bit." said Seiya, smirking. Namida blushed a little and smiled.
"Un.." he mumbled. He sighed and looked up at Seiya. "So did you ask Yamichi-san out?" Seiya blushed and swallowed.
"Ano...eto.." he stuttered.
"You didn't ask her out." said Namida. Seiya sighed and hung his head in defeat.
"I saw her kissing another girl." said Seiya. Namida went wide-eyed and stared at him.
"No wonder she didn't have any interest in us!" he said. Seiya sighed and shrugged. Namida looked at Yukiki and smiled.
She blushed and smiled back.
Namida smiled as Yukiki kissed his cheek, blushing. She then jumped off of his shoulder and ran ahead of him.
"Matte!" he yelled. She turned around and he gasped as she turned into a young woman in a flowing silver gown. "Yukiki..."
he mumbled and changed to his demonic form. She floated back towards him, and placed her hands on his shoulders. She then
blushed and smiled.
"Namida..." she said, her voice soft and gentle. Namida blushed as she kissed him, and went wide-eyed. He closed his
eyes, wrapped his arms around her, and returned the kiss.
"Yukiki..." mumbled Namida as he opened his eyes. He blinked and swallowed. "Kuso...choudo yume." he mumbled. He saw
Yukiki looking at him, her cheeks red as heck, and blushed. He looked at his clock and swallowed. "Almost 7 am...may as
well stay up." he said and turned off his alarm clock. He looked at Yukiki and sighed. "I need to get Chiko-chan." he muttered.
He got out of bed and got changed into his school uniform. "Chiko-chan!!" he called as he put on his uniform jacket. Chiko
opened his door and yawned, already in her uniform.
"Nani?" she asked.
"I need you to use your mirror." answered Namida. Chiko nodded and waved her hand in front of her. A circular mirror
appeared in front of her and she held it. "Use it on Yukiki." said Namida. Chiko walked over to his bed and let it reflect
Yukiki's body. She then spun it around and showed Namida an image of a woman with snow white hair, fair skin, silver eyes,
and pointed ears. Namida blushed madly and swallowed. Chiko made her mirror vanish and left the room. Namida stared at
Yukiki and she jumped onto his shoulder. She kissed his cheek and blushed. "Yukiki, is that your true form?" he asked.
She nodded and smiled. He smiled as she kissed him and he took her off his shoulders. He swallowed and kissed the top of
her head. She blushed and smiled.
"Na-Na-Namida." she said, her voice small and child-like. Namida blushed madly, his eyes wide, and stared at her. He
slowly smiled and placed her back on his shoulder.
End Chapter Three
Next Chapter
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