dakedo= but/however
mikado = emperor
kuso = shit/dammit
onee-chan/-san = older sister
soshite/to = and
kochirawa....des = may I introduce...
moshi-moshi hai Yoko des = Hello, Yoko here.
moshi-moshi = hello on the phone
sorehaanatano shinpai nodoremodenai = that's none of your concern
ja = bye (informal)
kanjei = welcome
min-foa = yes that is not his last name, but that's how Yoko and Hanako say it with a Japanese accent!
iku = here you go (in this context)
ming-hoa jia-long is pronounced = ming-hwah; jaI-long (please note the Chinese pronunciations are given to me by a friend
since I do not know ANY Chinese)
xi-wang mei-hua is pronounced = shwin-wAng; may-hwah
naze = why?
un = yea
baka = idiot/stupid
akurei = demon
nani= what?
anata ga suki des/aishiteru = i love you
sumimasen = excuse me
xi-wang xun-feng is pronounced = shwin-wAng; shwun-fang
min-ha = same definition as min-foa
sugoi wa ne = basically a long way of saying, WOW
ja mina = bye everyone
mata ne = see you soon
yaa = hi
iee/iya/nai = no
hai = yes
oka-san/-sama = mom/mother
oto-san/-sama = dad/father
watashi = I
ano/eto = umm/err
(domo) arigatou = thank you (very much)
gomen (nasai) = I'm (very) sorry
ima nansai ka? = how old are you now?
go = five
Hanako-chan hadokoniaruka? = where is Hanako-chan?
o-negai = please
matte = wait
baka = idiot/stupid
daijoubu = it's all right
sayanora = good-bye
yosh = alright
aishiter/anata ga suki des = I love you.
chisaii = little
Chapter Fourteen
Yoko sighed as she sat down at her desk. She took out her books, as did Hanako, and smiled. They then
went wide-eyed as a substitute teacher came in.
"Mauno-sensei, has transferred to another school. and will no longer be teaching here." said the sub, a young female teacher
with blue hair and blue eyes. "Shimizu Aiko des. You're new history teacher."
"Konnichiwa Shimizu-sensei." said the class. Aiko glared at Yoko and began to write notes on the board.
"What's with her?" asked Hanako.
"She's the teacher that almost busted me and Loki making out." she mumbled.
"In here?" said Hanako. Yoko nodded and began to write notes.
Yoko ran straight for the Kamihinotori shrine after school. She ran up the steps and looked around.
"Mauno-sensei!" she called. The door of his house opened and she ran over to it.
"Yoko..." mumbled Chimaru. He slid the door open more and let her in. She went in and sat down. He slid the door closed
behind her and sat down, changing into Loki.
"You transferred?" asked Yoko.
"Un...now...ano...I can be more open with you." he said, blushing. "If you-" Yoko pounced him and hugged him.
"Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai!" she said, smiling. Loki went redder and hugged her tightly. He smiled, cupped her chin, and
tilted her head up. Yoko blushed and moved closer to him.
"Yoko..." muttered and kissed her. Yoko went redder and deepened the kiss. Loki purred and slowly broke the kiss.
"Aishiteru Yoko." he said as he kissed her cheek.
"Aishiteru Loki." she said and kissed him.
"So you and Chimaru-san are back together?" asked Hanako, the next day, as she and Yoko walked home from school.
"Un." answered Yoko, blushing. Hanako blinked and stopped. Yoko stopped and looked at her, confused. "Nani?" she asked.
"You didn't!" said Hanako. Yoko went beet red and covered Hanako's mouth.
"IYA! We didn't go THAT far!" she said. She removed her hand and sighed. "We kept our clothes on." she
mumbled. Hanako's jaw dropped and she followed Yoko as she kept walking. Yoko then stopped suddenly and stared at something.
"Nani?" asked Hanako, annoyed. Yoko swallowed and took off.
"Yukio-kun!!!!" Yukio looked up and saw Hanako and Yoko running towards him.
"Why didn't you tell us you were a demon?" asked Yoko. Yukio looked at his feet and frowned.
"I didn't want to hurt you." he said.
"Yukio-kun..." mumbled Yoko. She placed her hand on his shoulder but he jerked away. He then turned around and took
"Poor Shinsetsu-kun." said Hanako. Yoko nodded and sighed.
"Hai, oka-san?" asked Yoko. Chiyoko looked at her and sighed.
"What's wrong?" she asked. Yoko shrugged and sat down at the table.
"Shinsetsu Yukio-kun." she answered. Chiyoko blinked and cocked her eyebrow.
"Chisaii blonde boy?" she asked. Yoko nodded and sighed. "He's back from Osaka?" asked Chiyoko.
"He has been for a while," said Yoko, "he's a demon." Chiyoko went wide-eyed and slowly smirked.
"He's the one you protected?" she asked. Yoko nodded. "How's Loki?" asked Chiyoko. Yoko went beet red and swallowed.
"F-fine." she said. Chiyoko smiled and sighed.
"Tell Loki he's invited to the New Year's Party we're having." she said.
"It'll be Christmas soon." said Yoko. "Oyasumi oka-san."
"Oyasumi Yoko-chan." said Chiyoko. Yoko went downstairs into her room and curled up in bed.
End Chapter Fourteen
Next Chapter
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