dakedo= but/however
mikado = emperor
kuso = shit/dammit
onee-chan/-san = older sister
soshite/to = and
kochirawa....des = may I introduce...
moshi-moshi hai Yoko des = Hello, Yoko here.
moshi-moshi = hello on the phone
sorehaanatano shinpai nodoremodenai = that's none of your concern
ja = bye (informal)
kanjei = welcome
min-foa = yes that is not his last name, but that's how Yoko and Hanako say it with a Japanese accent!
iku = here you go (in this context)
ming-hoa jia-long is pronounced = ming-hwah; jaI-long (please note the Chinese pronunciations are given to me by a friend
since I do not know ANY Chinese)
xi-wang mei-hua is pronounced = shwin-wAng; may-hwah
naze = why?
un = yea
baka = idiot/stupid
akurei = demon
nani= what?
anata ga suki des/aishiteru = i love you
sumimasen = excuse me
xi-wang xun-feng is pronounced = shwin-wAng; shwun-fang
min-ha = same definition as min-foa
sugoi wa ne = basically a long way of saying, WOW
ja mina = bye everyone
mata ne = see you soon
yaa = hi
iee/iya/nai = no
hai = yes
oka-san/-sama = mom/mother
oto-san/-sama = dad/father
watashi = I
ano/eto = umm/err
(domo) arigatou = thank you (very much)
gomen (nasai) = I'm (very) sorry
ima nansai ka? = how old are you now?
go = five
Hanako-chan hadokoniaruka? = where is Hanako-chan?
o-negai = please
matte = wait
baka = idiot/stupid
daijoubu = it's all right
sayanora = good-bye
Chapter Eleven
Yoko hummed along with the song that played on her MP3 player as she looked through the stationery.
"Find anything yet, Yoko-chan?" asked Chiyoko as she walked towards her, pushing Ryuumaru in the stroller.
"Iee, oka-san." she said, sighing.
"Nani?" asked Chiyoko.
"Watashi...ano..." said Yoko, blushing. Chiyoko blinked and looked at her. "Watashi...ano...I'm in love." said Yoko,
turning redder. Chiyoko blinked, staring at her, and slowly smiled.
"Come." she said and took Yoko's hand. She pulled Yoko along, still pushing Ryuumaru's stroller.
"Arigatou." said Chiyoko as the waiter brought them their food.
"Arigatou." mumbled Yoko. Chiyoko smiled at Ryuumaru, who was in his high chair, and started to feed him baby food.
"Who is it?" asked Chiyoko.
"Nani?" asked Yoko as she ate some pasta.
"Who are you in love with?" asked Chiyoko, on the verge of bursting into a fit of giggles. Yoko blushed and swallowed.
"Loki." she mumbled. Chiyoko dropped the spoon she was feeding Ryuumaru with.
"L-Loki-kun?!" she said. Yoko nodded, poking at her food. "You have a crush on him?" asked Chiyoko. Yoko shook her
head, no, and went redder, remembering her and Loki's make-out sessions. Chiyoko swallowed. "Does he feel the same?" she
asked, feeding Ryuumaru some more food. Yoko went as red as her hair.
"Hai." she said. Chiyoko nodded slowly.
"I see..." she said. She finished feeding Ryuumaru and picked him up out of his high chair. She burped him and sat him
back down in his high chair. She then sighed and began to eat her pasta. Yoko swallowed.
"I love Loki very much." she said. Chiyoko smiled and sighed.
"Do you know why we never visit my parents, Yoko-chan, and why I moved out?" she asked. Yoko shook her head, no. "Because
I was promised to someone else...and I was in love with Ryuu, your oto-san." said Chiyoko. "My parents were furious when
my onii-san caught me and Ryuu on a date." Yoko blinked and nodded. "My brother became my escort and I was taken to my wedding
against my will." said Chiyoko. "I finally had become fed up and left...my parents tried to prevent me to, but I moved out
anyway and Ryuu moved into the house, I had purchased, with me." Yoko nodded.
"The house we live in now." she said. Chiyoko nodded and smiled.
"So I won't say I don't want you to be with Loki-kun or whoever." said Chiyoko. Yoko nodded and smiled.
"Arigatou, oka-san." she said.
Yoko smiled and bowed her head when Sakura opened the front door.
"Konnichi wa Yoko-san." said Sakura. "Hanako-chan is in her room." Yoko nodded as Sakura let her in. Sakura closed
the door and went into the living room. Yoko headed to Hanako's room, but Tsuyosa, Hanako's little brother, ran up to her.
He had black hair and green eyes and wore blue overalls, white shirt, blue slippers, and white socks.
"Yoko-nee-chan!" said Tsuyosa, smiling. Yoko smiled and giggled.
"Konnichi wa, Tsuyosa." she said. "Ima nansai ka?" He held up five of his fingers and smiled.
"Go!" he said. Yoko smiled and ruffled his hair.
"Hanako-chan hadokoniaruka?" she asked. Tsuyosa grabbed her hand and lead her out to the backyard.
Hanako waved at Yoko, Tsuyomi sitting beside her. Tsuyomi was Hanako's little sister and Tsuyosa's twin. She had brown
hair and hazel eyes. She wore an aqua sundress and aqua sandals. Yoko smiled, and waved, Tsuyosa sitting down beside Tsuyomi.
Yoko sat down beside Hanako and smiled.
"Yo-kun told me he loves me." said Hanako.
"You mean he hadn't told you before you two-" said Yoko.
"Nai! We haven't gone that far!" said Hanako, going wide-eyed. "We've gone as far as you and Mauno-sensei...I
think." Yoko blushed and swallowed.
"Iee...we haven't done it." she said. Hanako nodded and sighed.
"If oto-san finds out, he'll kill Yo-kun." she said. Yoko giggled and smiled. Hanako smirked and looked at Tsuyomi and
Tsuyosa, who were now playing in the grass.
"Oka-san doesn't seem to mind." said Yoko.
"Hanako-chan! Yoko-chan! You have company!!" called Toru as he got home. Hanako froze up and groaned.
Toru stopped Yoko and Hanako before they even got midway down the hall, and crossed his arms, glaring at Hanako.
"Explain to me why Hinojigoku Yoki is at my door asking for my daughter." he said. Hanako
gulped and sweat-dropped.
"Ano...he's my boyfriend?" she said.
"NANI?!" yelled Toru. Sakura came up behind him and hugged him from behind. Toru's breathing calmed down, but
his fists were still clenched. Hanako and Yoko slowly walked past them and ran to the front door.
"Oi." said Chimaru and Yo. Yo leaned in and kissed Hanako, cupping her cheek.
"Oi Loki." said Toru as he came up behind Hanako and Yoko.
"Oi Toru-san." said Chimaru. Hanako broke the kiss with Yo and gulped. Her and Yo ducked just as Toru aimed a punch
for Yo.
"Oto-san!!" yelled Hanako. Sakura grabbed Toru from behind and pulled him back. Hanako, Yo, Yoko and Chimaru backed
up, heading out of the house.
"Hanako-chan...your oto-san seems to hate me." said Yo as Chimaru and Yoko brought over their meals on trays. They all
took out their fries, cheeseburgers and drinks.
"He doesn't hate you." said Hanako. "He's just overprotective." Yoko rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Let's hope my oto-san doesn't find out I'm dating." she said. Chimaru raised his eyebrow and put down his drink.
"Hai...let's hope not because he knows I'll fight back." he said.
"Chimaru..." growled Yoko. He shrugged and grumbled as Hanako and Yo kissed. He finished his meal and stood up, grabbing
his jacket off the back of his chair.
"Nani?" asked Yoko as she finished up her meal. He just put on his jacket, looked at her and walked out. Yoko grabbed
her jacked and gloves, and put them on as she stood up. "Ja." she said to Hanako and Yo, just as they stopped kissing. She
followed Chimaru out of the restaurant and chased after him.
"Chimaru..." she mumbled as she ran around people to Chimaru, who was far ahead. She ran faster to catch up with him,
wondering why he had left. 'Chimaru...o-negai...matte.' she thought. She saw how far he was getting and ran faster, knocking
people aside. "Mauno Chimaru!!!" she cried, tears forming in her eyes when she saw him keep walking. She stopped, tears
flowing down her cheeks cheeks, and stared at him. "LOKI!!!" she screamed. Chimaru froze and looked back at her.
"Baka..." he hissed. Yoko made eye contact with him, still crying, and she went wide-eyed as she noticed him right in
front of her. She blinked and when she opened her eyes, she saw they were in an alley. She shook her head and stared at
him, a new set of tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Why didn't you wait for me?" she asked.
"Because I thought you'd follow me home, where I could talk to you in private." he answered. She blinked
and looked at him confused. He sighed and gripped her shoulders, resting his forehead against her's. "I can't hold your
hand in public, I can't hug you in public, I can't even kiss you in public!" he said. Yoko blinked and looked at him. He
kissed away her tears and sighed. "Maybe... it's either quit my job or break up with you." he said, looking at her sadly.
"Loki..." she muttered, tears forming in her eyes again. He kissed her, hugging her close.
"Daijoubu." he said as he broke the kiss. "I'm not gonna-"
"Nai," said Yoko, "I don't want you to loose your job." She swallowed and looked at him sternly.
"Nani?" he asked, looking at her confused. He moved his hand up to her cheek, but Yoko knocked it away with her hand.
He blinked and looked at her, shocked.
"Yoko..." he muttered.
"Sayanora Mauno-sensei." she said and walked away.
"Yoko!" called Chimaru. Yoko broke out into a run as she turned onto the street, tears now streaming down her face.
"Yoko!" yelled Chimaru as he ran out to the street. He growled, not seeing Yoko anywhere, and leaned against a wall. "Kuso..."
he muttered.
Yoko sat down on a swing and bit her lip, tears streaming down her face, and her eyes closed.
"Yoko-chan?" Yoko looked up and saw Yukio and Xen-Fang. She wiped away her tears and looked down at her lap. "Yoko-chan,
nani?" asked Yukio. Yoko stood up and walked past them.
"Makotoki." said Xun-Fang as he grabbed her arm. Yukio shook his head and put his hand on Xen-Feng's shoulder. He let
Yoko go and sighed. Yoko clenched her fists, a new set of tears running down her cheeks, and took off.
"Loki..." muttered Yoko, curled up into the fetal position on her bed, and clutched a pillow against her chest. "Gomen
Loki...dakedo...I had to." she mumbled. "Anata ga suki des." Yoko sniffed and kept crying until she fell asleep.
End Chapter Eleven
Next Chapter
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