dakedo= but/however
mikado = emperor
kuso = shit/dammit
onee-chan/-san = older sister
soshite/to = and
kochirawa....des = may I introduce...
moshi-moshi hai Yoko des = Hello, Yoko here.
moshi-moshi = hello on the phone
sorehaanatano shinpai nodoremodenai = that's none of your concern
ja = bye (informal)
kanjei = welcome
min-fua = yes that is not his last name, but that's how Yoko and Hanako say it with a Japanese accent!
iku = here you go (in this context)
ming-hoa jia-long is pronounced = ming-hwah; jaI-long (please note the Chinese pronunciations are given to me by a friend
since I do not know ANY Chinese)
xi-wang mei-hua is pronounced = shwin-wAng; may-hwah
naze = why?
un = yea
baka = idiot/stupid
akurei = demon
nani= what?
anata ga suki des/aishiteru = i love you
Chapter Eight
Hanako and Yoko walked into History class and sat down. Yoko smiled at Chimaru and he smiled back.
"We have a new student with us today." he said and opened the door. A male student walked in. He had bright blue eyes,
and shoulder length brown hair.
"Kochira wa Ming-Hoa Jia-Long des." said Chimaru. "Ming-Hoa comes to us from Hong Kong."
"Kanjei." said the class.
"Ano...you can sit across from Kojiki-san." said Chimaru. Hanako sighed and stood up, to show Jia-Long where to sit.
He walked over to his spot and sat down.
"Welcome to Japan." said Yoko, smiling. Hanako sat down and took out her books, smiling at him also.
Yoko and Hanako giggled as they walked home.
"So that's why Mauno-sensei wanted you to stay after class?" asked Hanako quietly. Yoko nodded, blushing.
"For a make out session?" asked Hanako. Yoko nodded again.
"Fridge or oven temperature?" asked Hanako. Yoko went beet red.
"Neither." she mumbled. Hanako went wide-eyed.
"Did you..?" she asked.
"Nai! Not that far!" snapped Yoko. "We made out and he felt me up..." Hanako snickered.
"What else happened?" asked Hanako.
"Well I-" Yoko stopped and blinked when she saw Jia-Long standing at a bus stop. He looked at the map in his hand and
then looked at the street signs.
"Min-Fua!" called Yoko as she and Hanako ran over to him.
"Konnichiwa." he said.
"Makotoki Yoko des." said Yoko.
"Kojiki Hanako des." said Hanako. "Are you lost?"
"Un." said Jia-Long, blushing a bit.
"We'll help!" said Hanako and Yoko, smiling. He showed them the address and they both nodded.
"That's close by where we live," said Yoko, "we'll walk you there." He smiled and bowed his head.
"Arigatou." he said. They smiled and walked with him.
"Iku" said Yoko and Hanako as they reached Jia-Long's house.
"Arigatou." said Jia-Long, bowing his head.
"Douitashimashite." said Yoko and Hanako, bowing their heads in return.
"Jia-Long!" A girl dressed in a black oriental outfit with green detailing came running out of the house towards him.
She had black hair done up in a bun with hair sticks and a tie, and bright emerald green eyes. She ran over and hugged him
"Mei-Hua!" he said, blushing furiously. She stopped and looked at Yoko and Hanako.
"Kojiki Hanako des." said Hanako.
"Makotoki Yoko des." said Yoko.
"Xi-Wang Mei-Hua." said Mei-Hua. Both Hanako and Yoko bowed their heads.
"Are you Jia-Long's new classmates?" asked Mei-Hua.
"Hai." said Yoko, nodding. Hanako looked at her watch and sighed.
"Gomen," she said, "dakedo we have to go." Yoko and Hanako smiled and waved.
"Hanako-chan?" asked Yoko as they walked home.
"Nani?" asked Hanako.
"Do you like Hinojigoku-kun?" asked Yoko. Hanako nodded.
"I want to tell Loki how I feel about him," said Yoko, "dakedo I'm worried." Hanako nodded and smiled.
"Tell him." said Hanako. Yoko blushed and swallowed.
"He's been teaching for a few months now..." said Yoko. "In a week we'll be getting our winter term uniforms."
"Un." said Hanako. Hanako and Yoko yelped and held down their skirts as a big wind flew through. Yoko rubbed her eyes,
grumbling and Hanako tapped Yoko's shoulder.
"Yoko-chan..." she muttered. Yoko looked up and saw two bronze skinned, green haired, and green eyed twins. One was
male and the other female, both of them dressed in oriental robes. The female had her hair spiked to one side and held a
green paper fan. The male had short, VERY dark green hair, and had a scythe on his back. Both of them smirked, showing off
sharp fangs, and both of them had pointed ears. The female unclipped her fan and raised her arm. She brought her arm down,
and Yoko and Hanako went wide-eyed as they were blown back.
"KYAAAAAAA!!!!" they screamed. They fell to the ground, stood back up and ran the other way.
"LOKI!!!!!" the yelled and ran to the shrine, the demons hot on their heels.
Chimaru sighed as he swept the steps of his house.
"Yoko..." he muttered, blushing. He set his broom against the wall and crossed his arms, sighing.
"LOKI!!" He went wide-eyed and looked towards the stairs at the entrance. He dashed over to the stairs and saw Yoko
and Hanako running up, two demons chasing them. Chimaru changed into his demon form and jumped over Yoko and Hanako, at the
two demons. The male moved in front of the female and drew a knife.
"Loki!" yelled Hanako. Loki went wide-eyed and looked down at the knife in his abdomen. Yoko went wide-eyed, tears forming
in her eyes and screamed. Loki growled and pulled the knife out.
"Baka akurei." he said and chucked the knife at the female, nicking her shoulder. The male demon smirked and drew his
scythe, the female just watching now.
"Loki!" yelled Yoko. Loki growled, grinding his teeth and made his sword appear. The male demon chuckled and sliced
at him with his scythe. Loki blocked it, but growled when the blade sliced his chest and haori.
"Ten no ya!" The female went wide-eyed as a white beam of energy in the shape of an arrow shot at her, ripping her dress.
"Hanako!" yelled Loki. Hanako smiled, now in her demon form, as was Yoko. The male demon took that opportunity to strike
Loki, sending him flying back. He jumped back, towards the female, and smiled.
"Loki!" yelled Yoko. She helped him sit up, Loki's lip bleeding and his abdomen covered in cuts. The female demon smiled
and waved her fan, the two vanishing in a cyclone of wind. Yoko wiped Loki's mouth and rested his head against her chest.
"Yoko..." he mumbled and went unconscious.
"Loki!" yelled Yoko. Hanako and her both lifted him up and carried him, as best they could, into the house.
Loki opened his eyes and groaned. He blinked a few times and saw Yoko, now human, above him. He tried to sit up, but
she held him down, shaking hr head no.
"Stay," she said, "you're hurt pretty bad." He looked down and saw the bandages covering his chest and wrapped around
his abdomen. He looked up and noticed the tears in her eyes.
"Yoko..." he mumbled and reached up, wiping the tears from her eyes. She sniffed and broke into a fresh batch of tears.
Loki moved his head, it being on her lap.
"I was so worried!" she cried. Loki looked at her sadly and cupped her cheek as best he could.
"Gomen nasai." he said. Yoko bent her head down and rested her forehead on top of his.
"You're gonna be okay." she said. "Hanako-chan and I cleaned, and bandaged your wounds." He smiled, purring softly,
and nuzzled her cheek. Yoko smiled, crying softly, and kissed his forehead. Loki sighed and slowly sat up.
"Loki you need your rest!" she said. Loki shook his head and pulled her into his arms. Yoko blushed and swallowed, looking
up at him through tears. He kissed away her tears, and then kissed her, holding her close. Yoko kissed him back, draping
her arms over his shoulders. Loki slowly broke the kiss and smiled, nudging her cheek with his nose. Yoko giggled and smiled.
she swallowed and looked at him.
"Loki..." she mumbled.
"Nani?" he asked, smiling. Yoko seemed to be looking him over, trying to read his emotions. "Nani?" he repeated, cocking
an eyebrow. Yoko swallowed and looked into his eyes.
"Anata ga suki des!" she said, her cheeks burning. Loki blinked a few times, Yoko looking down in shame. He smiled and
cupped her chin, making her face him.
"Anata ga suki des, Yoko." he said, smiling. Yoko smiled and hugged him tightly.
"GAH!!!" yelped Loki. Yoko let go and sweat dropped.
"Gomen nasai!" she said.
"Daijoubu..." mumbled Loki, wincing a little.
End Chapter Eight
Next Chapter
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